Monday, 29 December 2014

Winter Training, Goals and Challenges

Keep on challenging yourself!
Right about now its the perfect time of year to think about exactly how you are going to make your goals for 2015 happen, or at least die trying! I always feel really fired up this time of year and have usually spent a good deal of time assessing and planning already. Little notes of paper with split times for races, previous workouts, goals and dreams scribbled on over the past season start to become even more useful than when they were first written. This all helps to keep the goals attainable and the dreams alive, nothing wrong with setting the bar high and going after it. A map helps though :)

Knowing where you are going makes training easier
Personally I don't have a super ridgid plan worked out months in advance with all sessions planned out, but I do start every training session with a goal and know the reason I am doing it. I know my key sessions for each week and usually have a few key workouts planned for the 3\4 week block of training. Then its time to reassess, adjust or change, depending on how I am responding. I am also a fan of throwing the odd challenge work out when I can, something that maybe does not fit exactly to the end goal but will challenge me mentally as well as physically. With 2 months of easier base work done so far, its time to up the ante a little over the next few months.

Winter Scrunbling
 I have set myself a few tough workouts over the next month, using the amazing terrain I have on my doorstep to really challenge myself and get that training adaption kick started.

One work out involves a local hill I live on known as `The Struggle`, and a struggle it is, 4.5km, gradients to 25%, average 8%. If you want to improve cycling hill power its the ideal training ground. The workout is simple, 3 reps, negative splits, effort level just below threshold. Remain seated as much as poss. Repeat over 4 weeks, then ride a 1 rep TT end of rest week to see if its working. Current PB is 21mins07 (Christmas day ;)). 19mins30 is the goal end of February. If I improve, I will be better climbing hills, there are a few of them on Celtman and one or two at Norseman ;)

Link to 'Struggle x3' 

Train smart and don't be afraid to set the bar really high, commit, put the effort in and those dreams might become reality.

Hardknott pass, 33% gradients here!

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